Saturday, March 3, 2012


I'm writing this from my iPhone you guys so I'll make it quick! But I wanted to let you all know that I've decided to go last minute to Uganda with our team from LoveGrows! I'll be away from great Internet for two weeks HOWEVER, we'll be blogging most every day about our time with the kids so PLEASE come check it out, comment, have a look around and pray for us and our time there! :)

In honor of where we're going, I've attached a link to a very simple recipe of the best thing you'll ever eat over in Uganda: chapati. It's a simple bread made with flour, water and oil garnished with peppers, onions and carrots... And it's DELICIOUS! I know I know, it's definitely not healthy or beneficial in any way, but it's satisfying and fun to eat and it's the best "sopper-upper" for any extra sauce or avocado on your plate... Besides, you'll be able to share the experience WE'RE having in Uganda just by making this at home! So get out your rolling pin, make some chapati and come check is out on the LoveGrows blog!

I look forward to hearing from you guys on the blog, and I can't wait to get back and share with you all the amazing experiences and food of UGANDA!

Thank you for your patience, prayers and support... LOTS OF LOVE!!

James 1:27
"Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world."



  1. So Happy You are going! Have a safe trip and I want to see you when you get back! Send all my love to all those beautiful children!

  2. Love the picture...and I know Jordan was delighted beyond words that you decided to make this trip. Is this your third or fourth? Anyway, share our love with all the children...let them know we are constantly thinking of them and praying for them. We miss you all and you only just left. Praying for another successful time at Royal, seeing God's hand of provision over the pure efforts to bring faith, peace, and love to those innocents. Kisses! Dad
